Mexican Pemex Platform Fire: 700,000 Barrels of Oil Shut In-Latest Estimates


Mexican state oil company Pemex recently revealed the extent of the damage caused by a devastating fire on July 7, 2023. a major offshore platform in the southern region of the Gulf of Mexico. The CEO of Pemex, Octavio Romero, stated that the fire has resulted in the loss of approximately 700,000 barrels of crude oil production to date, with one individual still missing. This incident has sent shockwaves through the industry and raised concerns about safety and the overall impact on oil markets.

The Platform Fire and its Progression

The fire originated on the Nohoch-A link platform of Pemex’s Cantarell Field in the early hours of Friday. It subsequently spread to a compression complex, claiming the lives of two individuals. Pemex acted swiftly to control the fire, and as of now, it has been successfully contained. However, the consequences of this tragic incident are far-reaching.

Significant Losses and Production Resumption

Pemex CEO Octavio Romero, communicating via the company’s official Twitter account, announced that the closure of wells in the affected area has resulted in an estimated loss of 700,000 barrels of crude oil production. The company’s immediate response involved shutting down operations to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of personnel. However, as of Saturday afternoon, Pemex had managed to resume 600,000 barrels of production, demonstrating their commitment to restoring operations swiftly.

Search Efforts for Missing Individual

Amidst the aftermath of the fire, Pemex continues to conduct search and rescue operations to locate the missing individual. The company remains dedicated to ensuring the well-being and safety of its employees. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks faced by workers in the offshore oil industry and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive safety measures and emergency response protocols.

Cantarell Field: An Iconic Asset

The Cantarell Field, situated in the Bay of Campeche, approximately 85 kilometers from Ciudad del Carmen, holds historical significance as one of the world’s most productive oil fields. Comprising a series of marine fields, Cantarell has been a key contributor to Mexico’s oil production, with an output of around 170,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). The recent fire on this emblematic asset highlights the vulnerability of even the most significant oil reserves and the critical need for stringent safety measures.

Safety Concerns and Pemex’s Commitment

Over the past few years, Pemex has faced a series of industrial accidents within this highly productive zone. The recurring incidents raise legitimate concerns about safety standards and the overall reliability of operations. It is imperative that Pemex reassess and reinforce safety protocols to prevent similar accidents in the future. The company’s commitment to addressing these issues and learning from past experiences is crucial to restoring confidence in the Mexican oil industry.


The devastating fire on Pemex’s offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico has resulted in a significant loss of crude oil production, estimated at 700,000 barrels. The incident serves as a wake-up call for the industry, underscoring the need for improved safety measures and emergency response capabilities. Pemex’s prompt action to contain the fire and resume production demonstrates their commitment to the industry’s recovery. However, it is essential for Pemex and other stakeholders to prioritize safety to prevent such incidents in the future and safeguard the well-being of workers and the environment.



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